Weather forecast for 10 days
San José de la Montaña, Colombia


Weather forecast for the weekend

Weather forecast - Saturday, 27. Apr

Scattered Thunderstorms

Scattered Thunderstorms
21°C / 14°C
  • Wind: 9km/h N
  • Humidity: 82%
  • Precip. probability: 56%
  • Precipitation: 14mm
  • UV index: 10
Tomorrow, in San José de la Montaña, rainy weather and scattered thunderstorms are expected as well.
With a high probability, moderate precipitation is predicted. The highest temperature will be a pleasant 21°C (69.8°F), while the lowest forecasted temperature is a mild 14°C (57.2°F).
Tomorrow, the highest forecasted temperature will be relatively higher than the typical maximum for April temperature.
Sunrise will be at 05:37 and sunset at 17:59; tomorrow's daylight will last for 12h and 22min.

Weather forecast - Sunday, 28. Apr

Scattered Thunderstorms

Scattered Thunderstorms
19°C / 14°C
  • Wind: 9km/h N
  • Humidity: 86%
  • Precip. probability: 60%
  • Precipitation: 14mm
  • UV index: 7
On Sunday, in San José de la Montaña, scattered thunderstorms and rainy weather are anticipated.
The likelihood of rain is high, and precipitation will be moderate. A mild temperature range, peaking at a refreshing 19°C (66.2°F) and bottoming out at a mild 14°C (57.2°F), is predicted.
The top temperature of the day is expected to match the average high for April of 18.4°C (65.1°F).
Sunrise will be at 05:36 and sunset at 17:59; the daylight will last for 12h and 23min.

Frequently asked questions

What is the weather forecast for San José de la Montaña for tomorrow?

Tomorrow, in San José de la Montaña, scattered thunderstorms are anticipated.

Will it rain tomorrow in San José de la Montaña?

Moderate precipitation of 14mm (0.55") is forecasted. The chance of rainfall is 56%.

What will be the maximum temperature in San José de la Montaña tomorrow?

Tomorrow, the maximum temperature in San José de la Montaña will be 21°C (69.8°F), while the minimum temperature will be 14°C (57.2°F).
The highest temperature will be a few degrees higher than the average maximum of 18.4°C (65.1°F) in April. The lowest temperature tomorrow will be also a few degrees higher than the average low temperature.

What time are sunrise and sunset tomorrow in San José de la Montaña?

On Saturday, in San José de la Montaña, sunrise will be at 05:37 and sunset at 17:59 (-05).

How long will the day be tomorrow in San José de la Montaña?

In San José de la Montaña, tomorrow, there will be 12h and 22min of daylight.

What is the weather forecast for San José de la Montaña for Sunday?

On Sunday, in San José de la Montaña, scattered thunderstorms and rainy weather are expected.

Will it rain on Sunday in San José de la Montaña?

Moderate precipitation of 14mm (0.55") is predicted on Sunday. The likelihood of rainfall is 60%.

What will be the highest temperature on Sunday in San José de la Montaña?

On Sunday, the maximum temperature in San José de la Montaña, Colombia, will be 19°C (66.2°F), while the minimum temperature will be 14°C (57.2°F).

What is the weather forecast for San José de la Montaña for the next ten days?

In San José de la Montaña, thunderstorms and rainy weather are expected every day for the next ten days.

Will it rain in the next ten days in San José de la Montaña?

With daily precipitation varying from a maximum of 14mm (0.55") to a minimum of 7mm (0.28"), rain is anticipated every day in San José de la Montaña. With moderate precipitation of 14mm (0.55"), Saturday through Monday will be the wettest days.

How warm will it be in the next ten days in San José de la Montaña?

The maximum temperature will range between 19°C (66.2°F) and 23°C (73.4°F), while the minimum temperature will vary between 14°C (57.2°F) and 15°C (59°F).

What will be the warmest and the coldest days in San José de la Montaña?

The warmest day will be next Sunday, with a maximum of 23°C (73.4°F). The coldest day will be Sunday, with a maximum of 19°C (66.2°F).

Long-term weather forecast

10 days weather forecast - San José de la Montaña, Colombia

  • 21°C
  • 14°C
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 10km/h NNW
  • Humidity: 78%
  • UV index: 6
  • Precip. probability: 59%
  • Precipitation: 8mm
  • 05:37 17:59 -05
  • 21°C
  • 14°C
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 9km/h N
  • Humidity: 82%
  • UV index: 10
  • Precip. probability: 56%
  • Precipitation: 14mm
  • 05:37 17:59 -05
  • 19°C
  • 14°C
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 9km/h N
  • Humidity: 86%
  • UV index: 7
  • Precip. probability: 60%
  • Precipitation: 14mm
  • 05:36 17:59 -05
  • 20°C
  • 14°C
  • Wind: 8km/h N
  • Humidity: 85%
  • UV index: 9
  • Precip. probability: 61%
  • Precipitation: 14mm
  • 05:36 17:59 -05
  • 21°C
  • 14°C
  • Wind: 9km/h N
  • Humidity: 84%
  • UV index: 10
  • Precip. probability: 64%
  • Precipitation: 12mm
  • 05:36 17:59 -05
  • 21°C
  • 15°C
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 9km/h N
  • Humidity: 82%
  • UV index: 11
  • Precip. probability: 59%
  • Precipitation: 11mm
  • 05:35 17:59 -05
  • 21°C
  • 14°C
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 8km/h N
  • Humidity: 82%
  • UV index: 6
  • Precip. probability: 59%
  • Precipitation: 10mm
  • 05:35 17:59 -05
  • 22°C
  • 14°C
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 8km/h N
  • Humidity: 79%
  • UV index: 11
  • Precip. probability: 52%
  • Precipitation: 8mm
  • 05:35 17:59 -05
  • 22°C
  • 14°C
Scattered Thunderstorms
Scattered Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 9km/h N
  • Humidity: 75%
  • UV index: 11
  • Precip. probability: 51%
  • Precipitation: 7mm
  • 05:35 18:00 -05
  • 23°C
  • 15°C
PM Thunderstorms
PM Thunderstorms
  • Wind: 10km/h NNE
  • Humidity: 74%
  • UV index: 11
  • Precip. probability: 54%
  • Precipitation: 7mm
  • 05:34 18:00 -05
For the next ten days, thunderstorms and rainy weather are expected daily.
Rain is predicted day-to-day, with daily precipitation varying from a minimal 7mm (0.28") to a maximum of 14mm (0.55"). The days with the most rainfall will be Saturday through Monday, with moderate precipitation of 14mm (0.55").
In the upcoming period, the maximum temperature will vary between 19°C (66.2°F) and 23°C (73.4°F), while the lowest nightly temperature will be almost identical, as the lowest temperature will be between 14°C (57.2°F) and 15°C (59°F).
The warmest day will be next Sunday, with a maximum of 23°C (73.4°F); Sunday will be the coldest day, with the highest temperature of 19°C (66.2°F).

San José de la Montaña, Colombia

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