Climate and monthly weather forecast

Flag of Panama
Flag of Panama

The climate of Panama

Panama, a country located in Central America, is nestled between Costa Rica to the west and Colombia to the east, with the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The country spans approximately 75,000 square kilometres and is characterized by a diverse topography that includes mountains, highlands, plains, and numerous islands along its coasts.

According to the Köppen climate classification, Panama has a Tropical Monsoon Climate (Am). Throughout the year, the country experiences monthly mean temperatures consistently above 18°C (64.4°F). This climate type is notable for its wet and dry seasons, similar to those found in tropical savannah climates. However, Panama's driest month typically sees less than 60mm (2.36") of precipitation. Temperatures across the year show less variance than in a tropical savanna climate, maintaining a relatively constant warm climate.

The Best Time to Visit Panama

The best time to visit Panama is typically during the dry season, which runs from mid-December to mid-April. During this time, the country experiences less rainfall and clearer skies, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and sightseeing. Temperatures can range from 24°C (75.2°F) to 30°C (86°F), providing a warm and comfortable climate for tourists. The dry season also coincides with the country's high season for tourism, which means that popular destinations may be more crowded.

The Worst Time to Visit Panama

The rainy season, running from May to early December, is generally considered the worst time to visit Panama. During this period, the country experiences substantial rainfall, with an average monthly precipitation ranging from 200mm (7.87") to 400mm (15.75"). This high rainfall can disrupt outdoor activities and travel plans, particularly in the country's more remote regions where roads can become impassable. Moreover, the temperatures during this period can still be high, averaging between 27°C (80.6°F) and 32°C (89.6°F), leading to high humidity levels which some visitors may find uncomfortable.

Spring Weather in Panama

In Panama, the concept of spring as experienced in temperate regions does not exist due to its tropical monsoon climate. However, if we consider the period from March to May as spring, this time is characterized by a transition from the dry season to the wet season. The early part of this period sees reduced rainfall, with temperatures ranging between 25°C (77°F) and 30°C (86°F). As May approaches, precipitation levels begin to rise, signaling the onset of the rainy season.

Summer Weather in Panama

Panama's summer, which corresponds to the North American summer months from June to August, falls within the rainy season. During these months, the country experiences heavy rainfall, particularly in the afternoons, while mornings are usually clear. Despite the rainfall, temperatures remain high, averaging between 27°C (80.6°F) and 32°C (89.6°F). Humidity levels are also typically higher during these months due to the combination of heat and precipitation.

Autumn Weather in Panama

Autumn in Panama, spanning September to November, is also part of the rainy season. These months see some of the highest levels of precipitation, with September and October often experiencing the heaviest rainfall. Temperatures during this period stay relatively high, ranging from 25°C (77°F) to 31°C (87.8°F). Despite the rain, the country's lush vegetation and wildlife can be particularly vibrant during this season.

Winter Weather in Panama

Winter in Panama, encompassing December to February, marks the beginning of the dry season. The rainfall decreases significantly during this period, resulting in drier and clearer weather conditions. This season is marked by cooler temperatures, which can range from 24°C (75.2°F) to 29°C (84.2°F). Despite being the coolest part of the year, winter in Panama still offers warm and pleasant conditions suitable for exploring the country's natural beauty and attractions.

Weather in January

January marks the middle of the dry season in Panama. With reduced rainfall and drier conditions compared to the previous month of December, this month is often one of the most popular for tourists. The average temperatures in January range between 24°C (75.2°F) and 29°C (84.2°F), providing warm conditions perfect for sightseeing and exploring the diverse landscapes of the country. Weather in January »

Weather in February

February continues the dry season in Panama, providing visitors with warm and predominantly dry conditions. Similar to January, this month sees a reduced level of precipitation, with an average rainfall of less than 25mm (0.98"). Weather in February »

Weather in March

March in Panama is characterized by a continuation of the warm and dry conditions that define the country's dry season. It marks the transition period from the dry season to the start of the rainy season, although the rain does not typically increase significantly until later in the year. Weather in March »

Weather in April

April in Panama represents the tail end of the dry season and the onset of the wet season, featuring a gradual increase in precipitation levels across the country. Despite this transition, temperatures continue to remain high, typically ranging from 25°C (77°F) to 31°C (87.8°F). Weather in April »

Weather in May

May signifies the true start of the rainy season in Panama, bringing increased precipitation across the country. However, this transition to the wet season does not result in a significant drop in temperatures, which typically continue to range from 25°C (77°F) to 31°C (87.8°F). Weather in May »

Weather in June

June in Panama is characterized by the continuation of the rainy season, with the country experiencing increased precipitation. The rainfall during June is high, with an average exceeding 220mm (8.66"), however, it tends to occur in heavy, brief showers, often in the afternoons. Weather in June »

Weather in July

July in Panama represents the midst of the rainy season, continuing the pattern of increased rainfall seen in previous months. The average precipitation in July remains high, often exceeding 220mm (8.66"), yet is generally characterized by brief, heavy showers, mostly during afternoons or late evenings. Weather in July »

Weather in August

August in Panama is deeply entrenched in the rainy season, carrying forward the pattern of high rainfall from previous months. Average precipitation during August remains substantial, often exceeding 230mm (9.06"), however, the rain typically falls in brief, heavy showers, predominantly during afternoons or late evenings. Weather in August »

Weather in September

September in Panama continues the trend of the rainy season, exhibiting high levels of precipitation. The average rainfall during September is quite significant, often exceeding 240mm (9.45"). However, similar to previous months, this rainfall typically presents itself in the form of brief, heavy showers, particularly during the afternoons and late evenings. Weather in September »

Weather in October

October in Panama represents one of the peak months of the rainy season, characterized by the highest levels of precipitation seen throughout the year. The average rainfall in October can exceed 280mm (11.02"), making it one of the wettest months. Weather in October »

Weather in November

November in Panama signifies a gradual transition from the peak of the rainy season, but it still features a considerable amount of precipitation. The average rainfall during November starts to decrease slightly compared to October but can still exceed 220mm (8.66"). Weather in November »

Weather in December

December in Panama marks the onset of the dry season, a period characterized by a decrease in precipitation and consistently warm temperatures. The average rainfall in December is significantly lower compared to previous months, usually not exceeding 90mm (3.54"). Weather in December »


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