Climate and monthly weather forecast

Flag of Tanzania
Flag of Tanzania

The climate of Tanzania

Located in East Africa, Tanzania stretches from the eastern coastline to the interior highlands. The country exhibits a diversity of landscapes, including the coastal areas, the mountainous regions of Kilimanjaro, and the vast inland plateau. This variety contributes to the mixed climate experienced throughout the country. The "Aw" or Tropical Savanna climate, predominantly features in the northern and coastal areas. These regions experience a distinct wet and dry season, with temperatures consistently above 18°C (64.4°F) throughout the year. The dry season, occurring in the low sun months, experiences precipitation less than 60mm (2.36"), while the high sun months bring substantial rain. In contrast, the "BSh" or Hot Semi-Arid climate dominates the central and southern regions of Tanzania. Characterized by low rainfall and high evaporation rates, these regions witness a minimum average temperature of 18°C (64.4°F), with sparse vegetation due to inadequate rainfall.

The Best Time to Visit Tanzania

For ideal weather conditions, the best time to visit Tanzania is during the dry season, which extends from June to October. This period sees lower rainfall, making wildlife spotting easier in national parks as animals congregate around water sources. Additionally, this period offers a cool climate with average temperatures ranging from 20°C (68°F) to 30°C (86°F), ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking and safaris. Moreover, the visibility of Mount Kilimanjaro is often best between August and October, providing excellent opportunities for climbing and photography.

The Worst Time to Visit Tanzania

The rainy season in Tanzania, particularly the long rains from March to May, can be challenging for travel. The rainfall, which can exceed 200mm (7.87") per month in some regions, may disrupt outdoor activities and wildlife safaris due to muddy conditions and limited accessibility. Additionally, coastal areas can be extremely humid, with temperatures climbing up to 30°C (86°F). The short rains occurring in November and December are less intense, but they may still interfere with travel plans due to unpredictable showers.

Spring Weather in Tanzania

As Tanzania lies close to the equator, it does not experience spring in the typical sense. However, for the purpose of this article, March to May can be considered a 'spring' period. This season corresponds to the long rainy season in Tanzania. Rainfall is heavy, especially in April, often exceeding 200mm (7.87") per month. The high rainfall leads to high humidity, particularly in the coastal regions, with temperatures generally ranging from 25°C (77°F) to 30°C (86°F).

Summer Weather in Tanzania

The months of June to August can be regarded as 'summer' in Tanzania, characterized by the dry season. This period experiences less rainfall, usually below 60mm (2.36") per month, creating ideal conditions for wildlife spotting and outdoor activities. The temperatures in this season are comfortable, typically between 20°C (68°F) to 30°C (86°F), with cooler temperatures experienced in the highland areas and hotter ones along the coast.

Autumn Weather in Tanzania

From September to November, considered as 'autumn', Tanzania experiences a relatively dry season, with short rains typically starting in late October or November. During these months, the temperature ranges from 20°C (68°F) to 30°C (86°F). The beginning of this period continues to provide good conditions for wildlife viewing and outdoor exploration. However, the arrival of the short rains may bring occasional disruptions.

Winter Weather in Tanzania

The period from December to February, loosely termed 'winter', coincides with the short dry season in Tanzania. This time sees minimal rainfall, usually less than 60mm (2.36") per month, and temperatures range from 25°C (77°F) to 30°C (86°F). The coastal areas can be hot and humid, but the northern and southern highlands offer a cooler climate. This season offers good conditions for wildlife viewing and outdoor activities, making it a popular time for tourists.

Weather in January

January in Tanzania falls within the short dry season, characterized by relatively lower rainfall and milder temperatures compared to the peak rainy months. Rainfall typically remains below 60mm (2.36") throughout the month, providing ample opportunities for outdoor exploration and wildlife viewing. The temperature in January is moderately high, particularly along the coastal areas and on the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia. Weather in January »

Weather in February

February in Tanzania continues the pattern of the short dry season, presenting tourists and locals with favourable weather conditions for outdoor activities. Rainfall during February usually remains relatively low, generally under 60mm (2.36"), further promoting suitable conditions for wildlife safaris and exploration. Temperature patterns in February are akin to those in January. Weather in February »

Weather in March

March ushers in the long rainy season in Tanzania, commonly known as the 'Masika'. Rainfall in March noticeably increases, usually exceeding 100mm (3.94") and can go beyond 200mm (7.87") in certain regions, especially towards the end of the month. Weather in March »

Weather in April

April marks the peak of the 'Masika', the long rainy season in Tanzania. This period experiences the highest rainfall of the year, often exceeding 250mm (9.84") in many regions. The increase in rainfall makes the weather less predictable and may affect travel plans and outdoor activities due to muddy conditions and reduced accessibility in certain areas. Despite the heavy rainfall, temperatures in April remain relatively high. Weather in April »

Weather in May

May is the final month of the 'Masika', the long rainy season in Tanzania. While the amount of rainfall begins to lessen compared to April, it can still be significant, usually exceeding 150mm (5.91"). The conditions start to improve as the month progresses, making outdoor activities more accessible towards the end of the month. Temperatures during May remain reasonably high but start to cool down slightly compared to the previous months. Weather in May »

Weather in June

June heralds the onset of the long dry season in Tanzania, signifying a marked decrease in rainfall, often falling below 50mm (1.97"). This drop in precipitation leads to more predictable weather, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities, including wildlife safaris and mountain climbing. As the dry season begins, temperatures start to decrease slightly. Weather in June »

Weather in July

July continues the long dry season in Tanzania, characterized by low rainfall, typically falling under 40mm (1.57"), and cooler temperatures. The dry, sunny days make July an ideal month for a wide range of outdoor activities, including wildlife safaris, mountain hiking, and beach holidays. Coastal areas and the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia experience temperatures ranging from 24°C (75.2°F) to 29°C (84.2°F), slightly cooler than in June. Weather in July »

Weather in August

August in Tanzania marks the continuation of the long dry season, characterized by sparse rainfall, typically below 30mm (1.18"). The weather is relatively stable and predictable, with dry and sunny days dominating, offering excellent conditions for outdoor activities and exploration. In coastal regions and islands, including Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia, temperatures remain fairly consistent with July, generally ranging from 24°C (75.2°F) to 29°C (84.2°F). Weather in August »

Weather in September

September is the tail end of the long dry season in Tanzania, with rainfall remaining low, generally below 40mm (1.57"). The weather remains predictable with plenty of sunny days, providing excellent conditions for various outdoor activities. In coastal regions and islands such as Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia, temperatures slightly increase, typically ranging from 25°C (77°F) to 30°C (86°F). Weather in September »

Weather in October

October signals the transition from the dry to the short rainy season in Tanzania, referred to locally as the 'Vuli'. Towards the end of the month, rainfall begins to increase, typically ranging from 40mm (1.57") to 100mm (3.94") depending on the region. Weather in October »

Weather in November

November in Tanzania is characterized by the 'Vuli', the short rainy season. Rainfall during this month can be unpredictable, typically ranging between 80mm (3.15") and 150mm (5.91"). Despite these rains, many days remain dry and suitable for outdoor activities, with the showers usually occurring in the afternoon or evening. In coastal areas and islands such as Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia, temperatures generally range from 26°C (78.8°F) to 32°C (89.6°F), marking the onset of the hot season. Weather in November »

Weather in December

December in Tanzania is a transitional month, shifting from the 'Vuli', the short rainy season, to the dry season. Early December often experiences some rainfall, typically between 60mm (2.36") and 120mm (4.72"), before the weather clears up towards the end of the month. Weather in December »


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