Climate and monthly weather forecast
Wake Island, USA

Wake Island, USA - most visited locations

Flag of Wake Island, USA
Flag of Wake Island, USA

The climate of Wake Island

Wake Island has a tropical climate (Köppen climate classification Aw), with hot and humid temperatures throughout the year. The tiny island is part of the United States Minor Outlying Islands in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, between Midway and Guam. The V-shaped atoll lies just 19°N north of the equator and receives overhead sunshine most of the year. The island's time zone is the farthest east in the United States, approximately 24 hours ahead of the mainland. The tropical location and the surrounding ocean waters are the chief factors that influence the climate.

Wake Island consists of three islets, a lagoon, and a barrier reef. The largest, Wake Islet, lies to the southeast, while Peale is in the north and Wilkes on the south. A lagoon, with an average depth of 5 meters, separates the islets along with a reef. The lagoon waters are calm and boast of diverse species of fish. The island has numerous trees, shrubs typical of the tropical Pacific islands, and white, sandy beaches. The terrain is full of scrub forests up to 5 meters high, the landscape is rocky, and consists of tropical trees, such as the Tournefortia. The island lacks freshwater sources. The average elevation is at sea level, with the highest elevation at 6 meters above the sea level.

The best time to visit Wake Island

The best time to visit Wake Island is from December to March when the heat is tolerable. The temperatures remain mostly below 85°F (29.4°C) during the day, with a moderate level of humidity. The intensity of the sunrays is at the lowest of the year during December and January. The driest period occurs from December to February, which keeps the skies clear and the days sunny. The waters are calm and mild in the absence of the storms that are common in the wet season.

The worst time to visit Wake Island

The worst time to visit Wake Island is from August to October in the wet season. The precipitation is at its peak, and the frequency of storms is the highest during the period. The rise in humidity and cloud cover increases the heat index. Conditions become oppressive to people from temperate regions as the temperatures rise to the highest of the year. Tropical storms disturb the usually calm waters surrounding the islands, and occasionally even the lagoon waters.

Spring weather in Wake Island

From April to June, Wake Island transitions into its wet season. April experiences gradually rising temperatures, moving from 78°F (25.6°C) to 84°F (28.9°C) with increasing rainfall. The sun remains a constant companion, but the frequency of showers begins to climb. By June, the island prepares for the impending typhoon season. The ocean temperatures stay consistently warm, making it inviting for marine activities despite the increased humidity.

Summer weather in Wake Island

Summer, extending from July to September, sees the wet season in full swing. Temperatures during these months generally fluctuate between 84°F (28.9°C) and the peak of 88°F (31.1°C). Rainfall is abundant, and the island occasionally faces the fury of tropical storms with powerful winds. Humidity remains high, and the sun, although shining bright for extended hours, often shares the sky with storm clouds.

Autumn weather in Wake Island

Autumn, from October to November, is characterized by decreasing temperatures, moving from 86°F (30°C) in October to about 82°F (27.8°C) by the end of November. While the frequency of storms diminishes, sporadic heavy rainfall persists. The ocean retains its warm temperature, but the increased rainfall and subsequent runoff can affect water clarity. The trade winds begin their return, signaling the impending arrival of the drier months.

Winter weather in Wake Island

Winter in Wake Island, spanning December to March, is relatively dry. December commences with temperatures hovering around 80°F (26.7°C), which gradually dip to 72°F (22.2°C) in February. Northeasterly trade winds become more prevalent, providing relief from the humidity. Rainfall decreases substantially, leading to clear skies and sunny days. This is also the time when the waters around the island are at their calmest, ideal for marine explorations.

Weather in January

January, nestled within the heart of Wake Island's dry season, offers respite from the heightened humidity and rain seen in the preceding months. The island, primarily consisting of Wake Islet, Peale, and Wilkes, experiences a distinct shift in its weather patterns during this month. Temperatures in January range from lows of approximately 74°F (23.3°C) to highs of 82°F (27.8°C). Weather in January »

Weather in February

February continues the trend of the dry season on Wake Island, marked by diminished rainfall and relatively stable temperatures. The island cluster, made up of the key islets - Wake, Peale, and Wilkes - basks in a climate that is both temperate and welcoming during this month. Temperature-wise, February exhibits a slightly narrower range than January. Weather in February »

Weather in March

March ushers in subtle changes to Wake Island's climate as it teeters on the edge of the dry and wet seasons. Wake, Peale, and Wilkes, the primary islets that make up the island, begin to witness a transition in their weather patterns during this time. The temperature range in March exhibits a slight increase, with minimum temperatures hovering around 74°F (23.3°C) and maximums touching 84°F (28.9°C). Weather in March »

Weather in April

April marks a tangible shift in Wake Island's climatic rhythm, signaling the commencement of the wet season. The island's prominent islets, Wake, Peale, and Wilkes, face a notable increase in both humidity and precipitation, drawing a stark contrast to the preceding dry months. The temperature spectrum in April is more consistent with the tropical nature of the island. Weather in April »

Weather in May

May propels Wake Island further into the wet season, with the trio of islets—Wake, Peale, and Wilkes—seeing a surge in rainfall and a consolidation of tropical conditions that define the island's climatic landscape for a significant portion of the year. Temperature-wise, May remains firmly in the warm realm. Weather in May »

Weather in June

June firmly situates Wake Island in the midst of its wet season. The predominant islets—Wake, Peale, and Wilkes—experience the full force of the tropical climate, marked by increased rainfall, heightened humidity, and the potential onset of tropical storms. In terms of temperatures, June sustains the warm trends observed in May. Weather in June »

Weather in July

July on Wake Island is emblematic of the height of the wet season, where the full spectrum of tropical weather is felt intensely across the primary islets: Wake, Peale, and Wilkes. As the mid-year month, July stands out for some of the most extreme and distinct weather patterns characteristic of the island's yearly cycle. Temperatures in July seldom offer respite from the warmth. Weather in July »

Weather in August

August, often paralleled with July in its meteorological intensity, asserts itself as one of the pinnacle months of the wet season on Wake Island. As the island's key islets — Wake, Peale, and Wilkes — are drenched in sunshine, they are also frequently washed by substantial tropical downpours. The temperature range in August remains firmly anchored in the tropical bracket. Weather in August »

Weather in September

September, while continuing to echo the pronounced wetness of the preceding months, starts hinting at a gradual transition on Wake Island. The principal islets—Wake, Peale, and Wilkes—though still drenched frequently, may occasionally witness reduced rain durations, signaling a subtle, impending change. Temperatures in September, consistent with the tropical nature of Wake Island, remain elevated. Weather in September »

Weather in October

October, perched on the threshold between the intense wet season and the drier months ahead, embodies a mix of weather patterns on Wake Island. The main islets—Wake, Peale, and Wilkes—continue to experience bouts of rain, but with an increasing presence of clearer, sunnier intervals. In terms of temperature, October experiences a mild decline. Weather in October »

Weather in November

November on Wake Island is emblematic of change. As the month unfolds, it gradually steers the climate away from the persistent rains of the wet season, leading the way to the onset of the more amicable dry season. The primary islets — Wake, Peale, and Wilkes — bask in increased sunlight, signifying a discernible shift in the atmospheric dynamics. Temperature-wise, November positions itself in a comfortable tropical range. Weather in November »

Weather in December

December on Wake Island ushers in the full swing of the dry season, with weather patterns showing a marked shift from the earlier months dominated by rains. The primary islets — Wake, Peale, and Wilkes — relish the increase in sunlit hours, providing a vibrant contrast to the cloud-laden days of the wet season. Temperature profiles in December find a consistent bracket within the tropical framework. Weather in December »

Wake Island, USA

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